Trader Giotto’s Spelt Risotto


Sometimes I want something wholesome and filling but I don’t have time to chop vegetables and cook up a meal for my family. Fortunately, Trader Joe’s has some excellent frozen foods and Trader Giotto’s Spelt Risotto is among the best. Sure, the name may not inspire much excitement but the ingredients, flavor, and texture stand out.

First, the ingredients are simple, wholesome, and perhaps most significantly don’t include sugar in an form. It’s the absence of sugar that initially attracted me to this product. I’m also happy to serve it to my young daughter. It makes a particularly easy and good item to include with her lunch.

It’s nice and all that it’s sugar-free but how does it taste? Very good actually! The spelt, veggies, and creamy combine for a balanced and delicious flavor that’s predominantly savory. The texture is also a marriage of creamy and firm that’s to the spelt and chickpeas. You can’t go wrong!

Rating: 5 out of 5 Hawaiian shirts. It’s good for you, taste great, and very easily prepared; the trifecta of qualities I want from my food. Keep it in your freezer for those times you’re running short on time and you’ll be happy you did.