Crispy Ginger Chunk Cookies

imag5649.jpgOn a recent visit to Trader Joe’s, I had a craving a sweet treat. Two things caught my attention. First, were the “Hold The Cone” mini ice cream cones with chocolate ice cream. The other is now one of my new favorite desserts, Crispy Ginger Chunk Cookies. As promised by the packaging these crispy, buttery cookies really do melt in your mouth. The ginger chunks are sweetened which makes the flavor very smooth. The chunks also add a bit of chewy texture to the cookie which I find irresistible.

Rating: 4 out of 5 Hawaiian Shirts – Sooooo good! You know you want it. So get it! Ginger not your thing? Don’t worry, they have similar cookies with two other flavors; chocolate chips or oatmeal raisin.